Dark Mode

Activating the Dark Mode

To activate Dark Mode in RemUI, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "moon" icon located at the top right corner of the screen.

Controlling Dark Mode Settings

To control Dark Mode settings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to RemUI Settings:

    • Go to Site admin > Appearance > Theme > Edwiser RemUI > Basic.

  2. Select Dark Mode Settings.

  3. Enable the dark mode functionality.

Options to Control Dark Mode Settings

In the Dark Mode settings, you will find the following options:

Dark Mode Options

  • Allow All Pages: Dark mode will be applied on all pages.

  • Allow on All Pages Excluding These Pages: Dark mode will be applied on all pages except for the pages with specific URLs provided.

  • Allow Only on These Pages: Dark mode will be applied only on the pages with specific URLs provided.

To include or exclude dark mode, add the complete URL of the page, or use patterns to match parts of the URL:


  • Dashboard: %my/%

  • Homepage: [Site_URL]/?redirect=0

  • Category Pages, Course View Page, Section/Topics: %course/%

  • Course and Section/Topic Pages: %course/view.php%

    • To match all courses.

    • To match a specific course (e.g., course with id=2): %course/view.php?id=2

  • Course Enrolment Page: %enrol/%

  • Activity Pages: %mod/(activity_type)%

    • Replace (activity_type) with the specific activity type:

      • Page activity: %mod/page/view.php%

      • Assignment activity: %mod/assign/view.php%

      • Quiz activity: %mod/quiz/%

  • Specific Quiz Pages:

    • View the quiz: %mod/quiz/view.php%

    • Start or attempt the quiz: %mod/quiz/attempt.php%

    • See quiz summary after attempt: %mod/quiz/summary.php%

    • Review submitted answers: %mod/quiz/review.php%

Last updated