📊Dashboard Page Setup

The Moodle Dashboard is the central hub for users, providing a personalized overview of their courses, activities, and other important information.

Setting the default Dashboard

An administrator or manager can set the default blocks for all users from Administration > Site administration > Appearance > Default Dashboard page.

Clicking the button 'Reset Dashboard for all users' will then apply these settings to the Dashboard for everyone on the site.

Preventing users from customizing their Dashboard

By default, users can customize their Dashboard and add blocks. An admin can prevent this as follows:

  1. Go to Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles

  2. Edit the authenticated user role and untick the Manage Dashboard blocks capability

Improving experience RemUI Dashboard Blocks

  1. Navigate to site Site administration > Appearance > Default Dashboard page.

  2. Enable the edit mode

  3. Select the region

  4. Click on Add a block

  5. Click on Dynamic blocks

  6. Select the blocks you want to add

  7. Once done click on Reset dashboard

Last updated