For Non-SQL User

  1. Download Demo Cloner Files

    • Go to the Edwiser My account page.

    • Click the download button next to your purchase.

    • Download the Demo Cloner Script File.

  2. Create Database

    • Create a new database for your Moodle installation via phpMyAdmin, cPanel, or Parallels Plesk.

    • You may need to create a new database user if not using an existing one.

  3. Populate Database

    • Import the downloaded SQL file into your new database.

  4. Upload Files

    • Manually upload the Moodle HTML file to your web server.

    • Upload to your web server, outside the web root. Note: Ensure the moodledata folder is not publicly accessible.

    • Extract the archive via cPanel, another administration interface, or the command line.

  5. Configure config.php

    • Open config.php in the Moodle root directory on your web server.

    • Edit the database name, user, and password to match your new database credentials.

    • Change the website root to your website URL or localhost address, e.g., http://localhost/moodle or http://localhost:8888/moodle.

    • Change the dataroot to match the moodledata directory location, relative to your server root.

  6. Login

    • Your RemUI demo installation is now complete. Login at {}/login/index.php.

    • Username: admin

    • Password: Edwiser0-

  7. Final Steps

    • Change the administrator password immediately after the first login.

Your installation of RemUI is officially complete!

Last updated