Course Format

Please make sure you have installed the Edwiser Course Format Plugin on your Moodle site. You can verify the same from Site Admin > Plugins > Plugins Overview > Additional Plugins.

How to set Edwiser course format for your courses?

  1. Go to a course. (If you don't have course, create one from Site Admin > Courses > Manage Courses)

  2. Click on settings

  3. Scroll down to course format

  4. Here change the format to Edwiser Course Format

Course Format Settings

  1. Hidden sections: When you hide a section from students, it can either be completely hidden or shown with a "not available" message.

  2. Choose Layout: You can choose between card layout or list layout for your course.

    List & Card Layout for Edwiser Course Format GIF
  3. Hide general section when there are no activites added

    General section of the course

  4. Course header image: Add a image here you wanted to displayed on the course header.

  5. Course header background image position & Size: Set the position for course header image (Recomnended is Center and Cover)

  6. Header image overlay opacity: Set opacity for your header images to make text and links on it more prominent.

Course Header

How to display images on section when using card layout?

Follow these steps to display images on the section card (card layout only)

  1. Go to the course click on the course setting

  2. Expand course format setting

  3. Make sure layout is set to card

  4. Section background image is set to "Show background image to sections in card"

  5. Now navigate back to the course

  6. Enable the edit mode

  7. Click on edit section

  8. Add image to section summary.

Once the images are added to each section, the section cards will look like this:

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