Course Settings

Course Control Information

Hide/Show or rename the information on course cards and the enrolment page.

  1. Show ‘Date’ on the Course- This can be used to control the date on the course card and enrollment page.

    – Do Not Show: Hide the date

    – Show Start Date: Display only the course’s start date.

    – Show “Updated On” Date: Display the last updated date of the course.

    – Show “Start Date” When the “End Date” is Set: Display the start date when the end date is specified

  2. Show Enrolled Students- Enables or disables the visibility of the number of enrolled students. Rename the title ‘Enrolled

  3. Show ‘Lessons’ Information- Enables or disables the visibility of lesson information on the course card

Course Page

Course-related settings can be configured here.

Enable Course Stats

  • Description: When enabled, Administrators, Managers, and Teachers can view user stats related to the enrolled course on the Single Course page.

Enable Focus Mode

  • Description: A button for switching to distraction-free learning mode will appear on the course page when enabled.

Enable Next & Previous Activity Button

  • Description: When enabled, Next & Previous activity buttons will appear on the Single Activity page to navigate between activities.

Course Page Header Design

  • Description: Select the design of the course page header.

Change the Opacity of Overlay

  • Description: Adjust the opacity of the overlay on the course header.

Note: This is a global setting meaning it will affect all the courses on the site that are not using Edwiser Course Format.

Course Card

Courses Per Page

  • Set the number of courses to be displayed per page on the Course Archive Page

Course Card animation

  • Select an animation for the course card to appear on the Course Archive Page

Last updated