Prerequisite settings for Woocommerce

Before Getting Started with the WooCommerce Moodle™ Integration

The following are a few WooCommerce settings you should take care of before getting started with the WooCommerce Moodle Integration for Edwiser Bridge.

1. Disable Guest Checkout

To disable the guest checkout option you will have to navigate to WooCommerce –> Settings –> Accounts & Privacy and uncheck the ‘Enable guest checkout’.

It is important to uncheck this option as users should not be able to purchase a course without registering to the WordPress site. If users are allowed to checkout without registration to the WordPress website their Moodle account will not be created. This happens because the Moodle account creation is triggered during the registration process of the WordPress account

2. Enable Registration on the Checkout Page

To enable registration at the checkout page, you will have to navigate to WooCommerce –> Settings –> Accounts & Privacy from the back end. Here, under the ‘Account creation’ menu, you will have to check both the options.

3. Disable Automatic Password Generation

Automatic password generation should be disabled to allow the users to enter their own password. This password will then be used at the time of the Moodle account creation.

To disable the automatic password generation, you will have to navigate to WooCommerce –> Settings –> Accounts &Privacy from the back end. Here under, the ‘Account Creation’ menu, you will have to uncheck both the options.

4. Make the Product ‘Virtual’ & ‘Downloadable’

The product (which is essentially a course as a Product) should be made virtual and downloadable.

To configure this setting, you will have to go to the course product page and check the ‘Virtual’ and ‘Downloadable’ fields in the ‘Product Data’ meta box.

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